The Cannabis Terminology Style Guide
When you join the cannabis industry, the terminology is pretty daunting.
A mixture of new words, slang, chemical compounds and more can make it a bit difficult to keep up. And while many in the industry are happy to answer newbie questions, interrupting a discussion (and potentially effing up the rotation) is not always possible. I've been operating, researching and investing in the industry for over 7 years now and when I attend cannabis events, I am very often jotting down a word or two I hear in conversation that I don't know so I can look into it later.
Part of the solution for me has been to stay curious and surround myself with people who have been in the game much longer or focus on an area of the business that I don't. But another part of the solution is quite simple. Find credible sources and sticking with them. Google searching cannabis terminology and data might be helpful. Other times it can lead to more confusion given the treatment of content that includes the word cannabis.
The good people at Oaksterdam University have created a very useful tool called the "Cannabis Terminology Style Guide". This style guide is designed for use in academia and by any journalist, reporter, writer, or public relations professional and that's good enough for me. I highly suggest checking it out and bookmarking it.