Receptive Capital Blog

Opinions and updates on the East Coast cannabis markets.

Opinions Rick Bashkoff Opinions Rick Bashkoff

Hemp Derived Beverage Availability

Regarding cannabis beverages, I would prefer to see regulators focus on regulating the PRODUCTS to ensure the consumers that desire them have SAFE access to them. Consumers have demonstrated demand for these products. Banning them is not the move.

Regarding cannabis beverages, I would prefer to see regulators focus on regulating the PRODUCTS to ensure the consumers that desire them have SAFE access to them. Consumers have demonstrated demand for these products. Banning them is not the move.

1. Low dose hemp derived THC beverages everywhere you can buy beer (groceries, gas stations, restaurants, etc.) It’s important to maintain strict policies surrounding packaging and branding to ensure that no products are attractive to children. E.g. NO gummies in this channel obviously.

2. Higher dose, heavily concentrated beverages in the dispensary channel. Liquor and wine stores as the comparison here.

3. Eventually there should be a third channel of even higher doses and targeted at specific outcomes that will be available through the pharmacies.

I'm still forming my opinion so happy to be challenged on any points here.
The category “edibles” altogether needs to be broken up into two categories, food and beverage. Cannabis beverages will deserve their own category shortly. It’s already getting its own day.

This Sunday is 820, NATIONAL DRINK CANNABIS DAY, enjoy a cannabis beverage.

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